Military Flights

We handle most of the World’s military aircrafts in Maldives

The demands of military and diplomatic service necessitate a level of attention and meticulous care that Flight Support Maldives is fully equipped to provide. Our commitment to these sensitive operations is exemplified by our possession of up-to-date security certificates, a deep familiarity with diplomatic protocols, and an unwavering dedication to discretion and confidentiality.


Given our extensive involvement in servicing the majority of the world’s military aircraft when they touch down in the Maldives, our team has acquired a wealth of experience in understanding and catering to the unique needs of both the crew and passengers, as well as the operational team overseeing all essential arrangements. This comprehensive expertise ensures that every facet of your military or diplomatic mission in the Maldives is impeccably managed and executed.


To further facilitate our clients, we accept a wide array of military payment methods, and we prioritize the meticulous administration of billing processes, providing transparency and accuracy in all financial transactions, thereby enhancing the ease and efficiency of your engagements with us. Whether it’s coordinating AOG support, ensuring adequate FUEL provisions, securing a crew hotel, or overseeing the intricate logistics of military and diplomatic missions, Flight Support Maldives stands as your trusted partner for these specialized endeavors in this idyllic island nation.

Benefits for your business

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We can provide everything you need whilst operating to Maldives!

+960 330 0766